Newest Nuke Nightmares at Palisades, 2022-Present
[Image: Yard sign design by Michigan Safe Energy Future-Kalamazoo Chapter and Shut Down Palisades Campaign; photo by Kevin Kamps]
Below is a reverse (present day to past) chronological listing of Beyond Nuclear web posts about the Palisades zombie reactor restart scheme (and so-called “Small Modular Reactor” new builds scheme on the same tiny 432-acre site), dating back to April 2022, when these particular nuclear nightmares began. To read each post, simply click the link on its title.
{To see Beyond Nuclear posts regarding Holtec’s high-level radioactive waste dump scheme in New Mexico, which would launch irradiated nuclear fuel barges on Lake Michigan from Palisades to the Port of Muskegon, see our Centralized Storage website sections (Present back to March 2022; and March 2022 to further back in time).}
Action Alert for Michiganders: Urge Your State Senator & Representative to Block another $150 Million of State Taxpayer-Funded Bailouts for Palisades Zombie Atomic Reactor Restart!
New Backgrounders about Palisades & Big Rock Point!
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