Newest Nuke Nightmares at Palisades, 2022-Present

Yard signs created by Michigan Safe Energy Future's Kalamazoo Chapter and Shutdown Palisades Campaign.

[Image: Yard sign design by Michigan Safe Energy Future-Kalamazoo Chapter and Shut Down Palisades Campaign; photo by Kevin Kamps]

Below is a reverse (present day to past) chronological listing of Beyond Nuclear web posts about the Palisades zombie reactor restart scheme (and so-called “Small Modular Reactor” new builds scheme on the same tiny 432-acre site), dating back to April 2022, when these particular nuclear nightmares began. To read each post, simply click the link on its title.

Please also see Beyond Nuclear’s “Breakdown of Bailouts at Holtec’s Palisades Nuclear Power Plant“.

Beyond Nuclear also prepared three backgrounders: “A People’s History of the Palisades Atomic Reactor” (13 pages); “Nuclear Nightmares: Palisades’ ‘Zombie’ Reactor Restart and SMR New Build Schemes” (3 pages); “Holtec: Criminality, Corruption, Incompetence, and Inexperience” (2 pages). They accompanied a new podcast series launched in spring 2024 entitled “The Nuclear Reactor Next Door,” hosted by Roger Rapoport. Beyond Nuclear’s radioactive waste specialist, Kevin Kamps, a 32-year long Palisades watch-dog, was featured on the first four episodes of the podcast.

In October 2023, Kamps also released a major exposé based on Freedom of Information Act revelations regarding Holtec’s ‘nuclear white elephant’ secret plans to build SMRs at all its decommissioning sites, as well as to re-nuclearize Palisades, using many billions of dollars of federal and state taxpayer, as well as ratepayer, bailouts.

{To see Beyond Nuclear posts regarding Holtec’s high-level radioactive waste dump scheme in New Mexico, which would launch irradiated nuclear fuel barges on Lake Michigan from Palisades to the Port of Muskegon, see our Centralized Storage website sections (Present back to March 2022; and March 2022 to further back in time).

And for posts regarding Holtec’s scheme to open a consolidated interim storage facility (CISF) in New Mexico, including for highly radioactive irradiated nuclear fuel from Palisades and Big Rock Point, see Beyond Nuclear’s Centralized Storage website section.}

Palisades restart: Feb. 12 ASLBP oral argument pre-hearings

Press Release–THE NUCLEAR REACTOR NEXT DOOR: Why A Company With Zero Nuclear Reactor Operating Experience is Receiving Over $8 Billion to Restart Palisades

March 26, 2024

New Backgrounders about Palisades & Big Rock Point!

March 20, 2024

NRC Cites Holtec for Improper Use of Decommissioning Trust Funds

March 15, 2024

Multiple nuclear giveaways backfire

January 16, 2024

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