THE NUCLEAR REACTOR NEXT DOOR: A Podcast about Palisades, Featuring Beyond Nuclear’s Kevin Kamps

episode 1

See the press release here.


The first six episdoes of the podcast, as of mid-May 2024, can be accessed at the following three sites:



Why A Company With Zero Nuclear Reactor Operating Experience

is Receiving Over $8 Billion to Restart Palisades

A Podcast Featuring Beyond Nuclear’s Kevin Kamps, Stanford U. professor Mark Jacobson, and former Entergy Nuclear senior manager at Palisades, Alan Blind

Produced by Glenside Productions and Beyond Nuclear


The first four episodes feature Glenside Productions host, Roger Rapoport, and guest Kevin Kamps, radioactive waste specialist at Beyond Nuclear:

Episode 1: “Michigan Seeks Nuclear Reactor Operator, No Experience Necessary, Ability to Work Miracles a Plus!”

Episode 2: “We Almost Lost Tokyo: A $600 Billion Nuclear Disaster That Nearly Ended the Japanese State”

Episode 3: “Palisades: The Secret $4.5 Billion Plan to Bring a Dangerous Nuclear Reactor Back from the Dead”

Episode 4: “No Thanks for the Memories: Why the False Promise of ‘Too Cheap to Meter’ Nuclear Power Has Led to Collusion, Bankruptcy and Meltdowns”


Episode 5 features Rapoport and guest Dr. Mark Jacobson of Stanford University:

“Why $16 per watt Nuclear Power Can’t Compete with $1 per watt Wind and Solar”


Episode 6 features Rapoport and guest Alan Blind, former Entergy Nuclear senior manager at Palisades atomic reactor:

“Radioactive Raindrops: The View from Inside Palisades”


Kevin Kamps at Beyond Nuclear has also prepared three new backgrounders: “A People’s History of the Palisades Atomic Reactor” (13 pages); “Nuclear Nightmares: Palisades’ ‘Zombie’ Reactor Restart and SMR New Build Schemes” (3 pages); “Holtec: Criminality, Corruption, Incompetence, and Inexperience” (2 pages).

Kamps has also prepared: a breakdown of the $15.7 billion, and counting, in bailouts at Palisades and Big Rock Point; a major exposé based on Freedom of Information Act revelations regarding Holtec’s ‘nuclear white elephant’ secret plans to build SMRs at all its decommissioning sites, as well as to re-nuclearize Palisades, using many billions of dollars of federal and state taxpayer, as well as ratepayer, bailouts; and a compilation of webposts and breaking news entitled “Newest Nuke Nightmares at Palisades, 2022 to Present.”

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