Webinar: Harms from uranium mining
Harm to Indigenous communities
Beyond Nuclear and the UK’s Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, will co-host a webinar on April 11, from 1:30pm-2:30pm Eastern US time on the harm to communities — most often Indigenous — from uranium mining. Carletta Tilousi, from the Havasupai Tribal Council —Guardians of the Grand Canyon will talk about the opening of the Pinyon Plain uranium mine that threatens drinking water. Bruno Chareyron, scientific advisor to the French Commission for Independent Research and Information about RADiation), will describe his findings of high levels of contamination in Africa; and Beyond Nuclear’s Linda Pentz Gunter will give an over-view of the pattern of colonial exploitation of uranium mining communities around the world. Moderated by CND general secretary, Kate Hudson.
Nuclear exploitation: how uranium mining harms communities
To produce nuclear power, uranium has to be mined. But this activity proves devastating for the communities – very often of Indigenous people – working in and living near the mines. As well as immediate and ongoing harms, contamination from uranium mining activity persists for tens of thousands of years leaving a dangerous legacy for current and future generations.
Countries including Britain have exploited the human and natural resources of other countries to provide for their nuclear energy needs, resulting in long-term detrimental impacts. These include the destruction of ecosystems, and on-going harm to human health due to persistent radiation exposure, especially in Indigenous communities still living around uranium mines sites that have never been fully decontaminated.
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