The Ocean is NOT a Radioactive Waste Dump!
September 14, 2023

On August 26, Beyond Nuclear’s radioactive waste specialist, Kevin Kamps, gave a presentation to the organization No Nukes Kobe, in Japan, via Zoom. His presentation was in English; Rachel Clark translated into Japanese in real time. The presentation was about the hazards of tritium, in light of the ocean dumping of highly radioactive wastewater at Fukushima Daiichi by Tokyo Electric and the Government of Japan. The dumping of more than 300 million gallons of radioactive wastewater had just begun two days prior to this long-planned presentation, and is to continue for three decades or longer.
See the presentation, and Question & Answer session, at the links below:
See the written presentation, in English and Japanese translaterion, here.
See the slide show presentation, in English and Japanese, here.
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