Radiation Symposium April 23: Health lessons from Rocky Flats


Join Physicians for Social Responsibility, Colorado for a symposium on April 23, exploring health and environmental contamination. While the symposium is centered on issues still plaguing the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant, much of the information is applicable to other contaminated sites. Rocky Flats produced plutonium triggers for atomic weapons from 1952 until 1989. It is now a Superfund Site, with an unremediated buffer zone that is a publicly accessible wildlife refuge. The full-day virtual webinar will cover legal issues, critical analyses of epidemiological studies, and effects of radiation on the genome and epigenome, topics relevant to other radiologically-contaminated communities. Author Kristen Iversen will be presenting, along with Cindy Folkers, Beyond Nuclear, and a number of health and local experts. Registration for the virtual webinar is open to everyone. Continuing medical education credits are available for physicians. Photo: Worker holding a plutonium button. Federal government of the United States, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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