Impacts to Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights from Uranium Exploitation, Feb. 28, 11am ET

Announcement from Susan Schuurman, Communications Manager, New Mexico Environmental Law Center: IACHR to Host Hearing on Impacts to Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights from Uranium Exploitation–Feb. 28th at 11am EST/9am MST IACHR GRANTS THEMATIC HEARING ON IMPACTS TO INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’  HUMAN RIGHTS FROM URANIUM EXPLOITATION Historic Hearing to be Held in Washington, D.C. Weds, Feb. 28th…

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COP28’s tripling nuclear energy is unachievable

An opinion piece in the Boston Globe co-authored by Ernest Moniz, nuclear physicist and former US Secretary of Energy and Armond Cohen, lawyer and executive director of US-based Clean Air Task Force, defends tripling nuclear power capacity globally “as an essential part of mitigating climate change” to come out of the United Nations talks convened…

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Fukushima fish a dicey diet for U.S. military

Why is the U.S. buying potentially cancer-causing Fukushima fish to serve service members and their families stationed in Japan? This is particularly ironic, given President Biden’s focus on admirable health initiatives that strive to understand and prevent environmental exposures, like the Cancer Moonshot. The United Nations and several scientists have voiced continuing concern about the…

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World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2023

Nuclear industry continues in decline despite hype of a “renaissance” “Truth has rarely been a friend to nuclear power and for that reason it hasn’t always been easy to find accurate information about the industry’s vital signs. This is why the World Nuclear Industry Status Report (WNISR) is essential reading for anyone trying to understand…

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Price-Anderson reauthorization and expansion dropped from US defense authorization bill

Price-Anderson Act reauthorization and expansion to shield  the nuclear industry from severe accident liability  is moving through Congress but has been removed from the National Defense Authorization Act  Hearings on the many concerns are still in question The 20-year reauthorization  of Price-Anderson Act (PAA) is moving forward in Congress to indemnify the nuclear power industry…

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NEIS Night With The Experts–Exploring Tritium Dangers: Health and Ecosystem Risks of Internally Incorporated Radionuclides. November 30, 7pm CST

NEIS (Nuclear Energy Information Service of Chicago) announced, re-posted here with permission: You’re Invited to A Night with the Experts Featuring: Dr. Arjun Makhijani President and Co-Founder of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research   Speaking on Exploring Tritium Dangers Health & Ecosystem Risks of Internally Incorporated Radionuclides Thursday, November 30, 2023 7pm Central…

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SOS: Nuclear power’s chilling legacy

The San Onofre Syndrome (SOS), more than a decade in the making, had its world premiere on October 8 and won the Awareness Film Festival’s Documentary Feature Grand Jury Award (out of 100 documentary entries.) This is a great honor and bodes well for the future reach of the film. Many more screenings are being…

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Nuclear power relapse in Sweden?

Beyond Nuclear’s radioactive waste specialist, Kevin Kamps, was quoted in an October 11 E&E News article, ‘Open for business’: Sweden turns to U.S. for nuclear reactors; Sweden’s deputy prime minister recently visited Washington to “go nuclear power plant shopping” and pitch regulatory collaboration to U.S. officials. “Has she forgotten about Chornobyl? (pictured) It took living…

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Groups Demand DOE EIS Before Agency Bails Out Palisades Zombie Reactor Restart

NEWS FROM BEYOND NUCLEAR For immediate releaseContact: Terry Lodge, environmental coalition co-counsel, (419) 205-7084, [email protected] Michael Keegan, Co-Chair, Don’t Waste Michigan, (734) 770-1441, [email protected] Kevin Kamps, radioactive waste specialist, Beyond Nuclear, (240) 462-3216, [email protected] Environmental Coalition Demands DOE Prepare EIS before Bailing Out Palisades for Unprecedented Restart NEPA Requires “Major Federal Project” Hard Look, Groups…

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SLOMFP/FOE challenge Diablo Canyon embrittlement

On September 14, 2023, Diane Curran and Hallie Templeton, legal counsel for San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace (SLOMFP) and Friends of the Earth (FoE), respectively, submitted an emergency shutdown petition with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Commissioners regarding Diablo Canyon Unit 1 in California (pictured alongside Unit 2, overlooking the Pacific Ocean, above).…

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