We’re getting closer! Stop the dump!
November 10 is our court date! Double your donation to help us win
Thanks to generous anonymous donors, Beyond Nuclear has been raising funds towards a $14,500 matching challenge grant for our legal work to block construction and operation of a high-level radioactive waste dump in West Texas. The Interim Storage Partners consolidated interim storage facility is not consent-based and violates environmental justice.
Now we are about to have our day in court. Our excellent legal team will present oral arguments in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals on November 10. This is the second highest court in the land! Please donate today to help us win.
Legal fights are expensive but essential. We are just over a fifth of the way toward our $14,500 target. If you donate online today, your gift will be doubled. (If you would rather send a check, please write “CIS Legal” in the subject line and send it to the address below.)
Far from temporary, this dump could become a de facto permanent surface disposal site, leaking catastrophic amounts of hazardous radioactivity directly into the environment over time.
We’ve been challenging this dangerous scheme for more than six years along with a nationwide, diverse grassroots advocacy and environmental justice coalition. If approved, this reckless plan would put thousands of high-risk irradiated nuclear fuel shipments on our roads, rails and waterways, impacting most states. Let’s put an end to it now!
Please donate here. And thank you!
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