Uranium mining and increased disease

Research on uranium mine sites lead by Johnnye Lewis, Ph.D., University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, College of Pharmacy, is summarized in this slide deck.
Among the researchers’ conclusions:
Substantial exposures to uranium and mixed metals in Indian Country — many linked to Cold War Weapons Development — create the
“Perfect storm: DNA damage induced by radiation not repaired due to metal mixtures, dietary zinc deficiency:
• Increased sensitivity to development of multiple chronic diseases
• Perturbation of fundamental mechanisms (ox stress, chronic inflammation, DNA repair, increased preterm birth
• Potential for development of multiple cancers
• Communities perceive no separation between radiation and mine waste – all related
Recognize potential for increased sensitivity:
• Increased reliance on local resources à increased exposures
• Likelihood of multiple concomitant exposures
• Lack of infrastructure
• Multi-generational exposures and preexisting conditions
Recognize potential for stress as contributor to disease:
• Losses to culture and traditional lifestyle
• Loss of elders and impacts to family
• Multigenerational exposures
Potential for genomic variants – very little known”
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