Watch Webinar: New book sheds light on radiation science

The Scientists Who Alerted Us to the Dangers of Radiation, a new book by Ian Fairlie and Beyond Nuclear’s Cindy Folkers, had its Canadian book launch and webinar. There was a lively and informative discussion and question and answer session that covered many topics, in addition to those highlighted in the book that reveals that the harmful effects of radiation exposure are more pervasive and worse than thought; and that these impacts have been known or suspected for decades but suppressed by nuclear technology proponents. The webinar was co-hosted by Ontario Clean Air Alliance, Nuclear Waste Watch, Coalition for Responsible Energy Development in New Brunswick (CRED-NB) and the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility.
Watch the webinar recording here.
Please like and share the recording on your social media sites.
Find the group chat here.
And find the questions that were asked here.
See Ian Fairlie’s website. They both teach classes with Mary Olson and the Gender & Radiation Impact Project – Protecting Women and Future Generations. Get on the mailing list by subscribing here (scroll down).
Thanks also to Northwatch for technical suport.
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