The case against restarting TMI-1
[A photo taken in the mid-1980s, of the half-melted reactor core of Three Mile Island Unit 2. Although the meltdown occurred on March 28, 1979, it took several long years to clear the radioactive, melted nuclear fuel debris, as well as the mutated microbes in the radioactive wastewater covering the melted core, which had previously obscured a clear view. Only then, could this photo be taken.]
A column by Eric Epstein published in LNP/Lancaster Online. Epstein has long served as executive director of Three Mile Island Alert in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Three Mile Island Unit 1 in Pennsylvania, Palisades in Michigan, and Duane Arnold in Iowa, are closed reactors where unprecedented, unneeded, insanely expensive for the public, and extremly high risk for health, safety, security, and the environment “zombie” restart schemes are proposed.
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