Don’t Waste MI et al./Sierra Club Joint Petitioner Reply Brief to D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in Don’t Waste MI v. NRC (ISF CISF) case

On July 20, 2022, Don’t Waste Michigan, et al.,* and Sierra Club, filed their joint Petitioner Reply Brief to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
The Brief is posted here:
7 20 22 DWM Sierra Club Joint ISP reply brief original - Reply Br as filedThus Don’t Waste Michigan, et al., and Sierra Club continue their appeals against the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Sept. 2021 approval of the license to construct and operate the irradiated nuclear fuel/highly radioactive waste consolidated interim storage facility (CISF) at Interim Storage Partners, LLC/Waste Control Specialists, LLC, in Andrews County, Texas, 0.37 miles from the New Mexico state line (and upstream), just several miles from Eunice, NM, and just 40-some miles from the Holtec International/Eddy Lea [Counties] Energy Alliance CISF site in southeastern NM.
Sierra Club’s legal counsel is Cedar Rapids, Iowa-based attorney, Wally Taylor.
*Don’t Waste Michigan, et al., is a national grassroots environmental coalition comprised of seven organizations, and one individual, namely: Citizens’ Environmental Coalition (NY); Citizens for Alternatives to Chemical Contamination (MI); Nuclear Energy Information Service (IL); Public Citizen, Inc. (DC, TX); San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace (CA); Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition (TX); and Leona Morgan (NM). Toledo, Ohio-based attorney Terry Lodge serves as legal counsel for Don’t Waste Michigan, et al.
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