Beyond Nuclear annual report

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The Beyond Nuclear Annual Report for 2024, a brief overview of some of the highlights of our work last year, is now available for download here.

The annual report focuses on our work to stop extreme reactor license renewals; to draw attention to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s reckless decision to ignore the likely impacts of a worsening climate crisis on reactors operating well into the future, extreme conditions that could lead to a meltdown; our partnership with Gender and Radiation Impact Project to re-evaluate how radiation exposure standards should be altered to reflect the harm to the most vulnerable, especially women and pregnancy; our ongoing efforts both in the streets and online to debunk the International Atomic Energy Agency and others for their false narratives promoting nuclear power as a climate solution; and our challenges in court to stop the reopening of already closed reactors such as Palisades (MI), and the siting of so-called “interim” high-level radioactive waste dumps in unwilling communities in Texas and New Mexico.

Read and download the Beyond Nuclear 2024 Annual Report.


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